Monday 2 April 2018


The images of widespread violence during the #BharatBandh are really disturbing. Such acts of wanton violence, whatever be the cause, are not acceptable in any civilised society. Also, as far as I understand, the Bandh was called by Dalit organizations to protest the SC judgement diluting provisions of SC/ST Act. I do not endorse the view that holding a bandh is a way to protest a Court judgement; it is highly improper, and those aggrieved should take legal recourses.

Having said that, let's turn the focus to the larger picture. The widespread violence and destruction by Dalit protesters are symptoms of a larger problem. One needs to scratch the surface and see the root issues, before dismissing this as yet another instance of violent demonstration. It will be myopic to think that this was a mere protest against a Court judgement. It was an outward expression of pent up frustration and simmering anger at the present establishment, by a section of people who are continously feeling cheated and alienated by the present establishment, like never before.

Ever since the BJP government came to power in 2014, they have been aggressively pushing for a clear agenda -the agenda of upper caste Hindu-Hindi interests to the exclusion of all other sections of society. The consolidation of the dominant & majoritarian Hindi-Hindu forces have threatened the existence of all other sections. Therefore, other identities are desperately feeling the need to assert their identity and existence, which has created a tense and volatile atmosphere.

Look at the following instances :-

  1. The Dalits are resorting to forceful protests, in culmination of long series of systematic violence unleashed on them over the past few years. Even those in power(like V.K Singh)have issued open comments condoning violence on dalits.
  2. The farmers are openly protesting. The recent Long March of Maharshtra farmers, and the month long protest by TN farmers in Delhi last year are indicators.
  3. Universities have become places of unrest. Look at the situation in JNU & HCU. There is a concerted attempt to destroy the academic culture of institutions like JNU to impose saffron agenda.
  4. Increasing instances of communal riots. Muzzafarnagar(U.P), the recent incidents in Asansol(W.B). Not to speak of lynching of Muslims by cow-protectors. Incidents of Md. Akhlaq, Pehlu Khan etc.
  5. Widening rift on the basis of language and region. The attempts of Hindi imposition have led to massive resentment in South India. The South Indian states are feeling looted and sidelined. Karnataka has come up with a separate official flag f its own. BJP shows scant regard for revered Dravidian icons like Periyar. So much so, secessionists demands for creating a United States of South India have started appearing, at least in social media.
  6. Kashmir has been on boil ever since BJP assumed power. The ultra-nationalist policies of BJP have created unrest in the valley. Pellet firings, human shields, stone-pelting etc were unheard of in the past decade.
  7. The worker class is also highly aggrieved by the new labour policies. Today witnessed a combined strike by all trade unions(except BMS) against the unfair labour policies of government.
  8. The increased visibility and show of power by fringe Sena gangs, who hold society to ransom through their brazen acts of violence for their silly demands ranging from cow protection to film ban.
The list is not exhaustive. It can be certainly said that except for the upper caste Hindu class, all other sections of the society are feeling aggrieved and resentful with the present establishment. The arrogance of power, and utter disregard for pluralistic sentiments shown by the saffron party has caused deep fragmentation. Their attempts to impose nationalism have in fact resulted in creating disaffection to nationhood amongst sections.

Now, just honestly and dispassionately analyse. Has this country witnessed such a pathetic and dangerous state before 2014? We have had corrupt and inept governments. But no other government has caused so much disaffection and hatred amongst people tending to destabilise the idea of India. People are now increasingly thinking in terms of their identities. The ultra-nationalism imposed through saffron fist has only given impetus to growth of other sub-nationalistic feelings.

So, it is the BJP and its saffron cohorts which are acting as a "tukde-tukde" gang, causing fragmentation and disintegration of the country. Give them one more term, only at the risk of the unity and integrity of Bharath.

This is again proof of the fact that it is unwise to rule India with an iron fist with a singular agenda. Loose coalition governments, which provide accommodation of all diverse interests, are best suited for India.

Image Courtesy :- The Indian Express

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